Meet Denise...
Denise’s story begins when she entered the doors of Holy Name School in September of 1989. From that moment, she felt connected to something very special - a community in which she considered family. Every teacher at Holy Name had a profound impact on Denise as she can remember each one vividly as an adult. Her connections to many teachers continued through her highschool years and a few to this day.
The teachers at Holy Name expanded her mind and soul through field trips to art museums, Holy Cross High School and an introduction to a Holocust survivor while she was in 5th grade. This is a story she went on to tell her children as it continues to have an impact on her life decades later. All of these experiences would help shape her into the person she is today. While academics were always at the forefront, she still feels excitement thinking about Christmas concerts, school plays and games which made her time at Holy Name not only academically challenging, but a lot of fun!